Print Instructions for 2-Sided Borderless Printing

It’s a bit tricky to print two-sided borderless copies.  For those unfamiliar, it is my understanding that most inkjet printers will not print 2-sided borderless because the print needs time to dry and the ink at the edges will bleed and cause printer problems, which is never good.

You can print one page at a time, and flip it over and print on the reverse side.  If you would like to print multiple borderless pages, try the following workaround.

1. Once the PDF pages have been downloaded, and saved to your hard drive, open them in Adobe Acrobat (full paid version or the free Reader version both work). The free version of Adobe Reader is availalbe at:

2. Place 6-hole punched A5 size paper in the paper tray.  The paper should be placed face down with the punched holes on the right side.

3. Select Print from the File menu in Adobe Acrobat.

4. Click the Properties tab on the Print menu and then select the Paper/Quality tab.  On the drop down menu labeled Paper Sizes, select the paper size you would like.  In this case, it will be A5.

5. Choose the type of paper you will be printing on.

6. If you do not want a border on your print, be sure to make sure that ON is selected on the boderlesss printing option.

7. Select your desired print quality.  Click OK.

8. On the same screen, select the Advanced tab.  Select Reverse page order.  On the pages to print dropdown, select “Print Odd Pages Only.”  Click OK. 

 9. At the main screen, click Print.

10. After the pages have printed, place the stack back in the paper tray with the hole punches on left side. Repeat steps 3-7.  

11. On the same screen, select the Advanced tab.  Select Reverse page order.  On the pages to print dropdown, select “Print Even Pages Only.” Click OK.

12. At the main screen, click Print.